Hello TCEA Members,
As many of you know, your TCEA negations team has been at the bargaining table seven times since June trying to negotiate a contract the Board can confidently bring to the membership for a vote. After much deliberation, the City gave us with their “last, best and final” offer last month (attached). In the best interest of our membership, your Board unanimously voted not to accept their terms, particularly because the City was unwilling to work with us on any of our economic and non-economic proposals. This week we were given the following communication by email from the City negotiations attorney:
As you know, the City has offered TCEA members 40 hours of paid time off over the holidays as part of a tentative agreement to conclude 2020-2021 labor negotiations. This paid time off equates to approximately 2% of salary and is at taxpayer expense. Because this time is offered as consideration to conclude labor negotiations, it does not constitute a “gift of public funds.” If the parties do not reach agreement, then the City is unable to offer the paid time off due to the “gift of public funds” prohibition. In that case, the City will ensure that managers are on-duty and that proper supervision is provided. If you have any questions please let me know.
Ultimately this means, if we do not agree to paying 5% of our healthcare costs from this point forward (with no additional compensation, COLA, etc.) the City will not be providing holiday in-lieu time this year.
Currently, employees will only receive holiday time for the following:
- Thanksgiving Day
- Day after Thanksgiving
- Christmas Day
- New Year’s Day
- Floating Holiday – Day before or after Christmas or New Year’s Day- Employees may schedule this holiday with their supervisor to insure balanced staffing levels.
Your TCEA Board is still a united front against the proposed terms and plan to keep fighting for you. Please make your holiday plans accordingly and be mindful to put in your time off requests as soon as possible.
Your TCEA Board
President Mike Murphy
Vice President Juan Vargas
Treasurer Sopheap Dong-Carreon
Secretary Kim Hammack
Board Member Kevin Callahan
Board Member Shawn Davidson
Board Member Lisa Quiroga