Kevin Callahan

Hi, my name is Kevin Callahan and I am running for TCEA President.

I have been with the City for 15 years and I am a Grade 2 Utilities Maintenance Worker.

I have served on the TCEA Board for the last two years and I feel I have made a difference due to my passion and strong will to stand up for what is right. I will continue to work hard for all TCEA members to obtain overall fairness for our members.

I am passionate about my job, my city and fellow peers. I want all TCEA members to know they have a voice to bring forward all concerns and know they will be heard if I am representing them.

A little bit about me is I enjoy spending time with my family and friends. I am a proud father to three sons and have three grand-babies that I absolutely adore. Being a grandfather is one the best things in life. I am an avid outdoorsman that enjoys hunting, fishing and playing softball. I also enjoy DIY home projects.

Thank you for considering me for this role.

Samuel Silveira

Hi I am Samuel Silveira and I am running for President of TCEA.  I have worked for the City of Turlock in the IT Division for the last 9 years, two of those part time.  I look forward to serving the members of TCEA.

Juan Vargas 


My name is Juan and I have been with the City almost 8 years full-time and a little more counting interning and part-time work.  I’ve been around in Human Resources, Public Facilities Maintenance, Finance and currently in the Parks, Recreation and Public Facilities office.  I have experience being previously on the Board and currently as your Vice President.  I have been involved through several TCEA Contracts and even sat at the negotiating table on behalf of TCEA.  I would like to continue serving our TCEA members in a greater capacity as the President.  Given my broad experience not only at the City but also on the Board, I feel like I would be a great representative for our membership.  I will continue to fight for ALL our TCEA members when it comes to compensation and benefits.  With the healthy financial state of the City, there is no reason TCEA members should have to take any hit now, or in the near future.


Shawn Davidson

Hello, my name is Shawn Davidson and I am running for the position of board member for the TCEA. I have been with the City of Turlock for over 21 years working as an operator at the wastewater treatment plant. I have served as a board member for the last 2 years and would love to continue. I have enjoyed my time on the board and I have so much more that I would like to achieve for my fellow TCEA members. I have only the best interests of the TCEA members at heart and would like to continue to serve and support those interests. I kindly ask for your consideration and support in voting for me for another term.

Thank you,

Shawn Davidson

Michael Ibarra

My name is Michael Ibarra. I work for the City of Turlock, Utilities Maintenance department. I am a combat veteran who did 2 tours in Iraq. I believe in equality and fairness. I enjoy the great outdoors and spending time with my family. I strive for the best, and am a team player. I lend a hand when needed and expect nothing in return. I still hold true to my Corps value of honor, courage and commitment. I would work hard for the TCEA board, listen to opinions and share opinions as well.

Steve Torres

Hello my name is Stephen Torres I am running for the position of board member for our TECA. I have been an employee for the city combined part time and full time approximately 27 years. In that time, I have been on the TCEA board for eight different years serving as a board member. I attended over 95% of the board meetings and general meetings. I feel as a board member in that time I helped make some great decisions that helped and benefited the members. I know there were times where it did not work out the way the members would have liked it but I think I as a board member and the board we try to do our best. If elected board member I will be open to opinion and I will listen to your concerns and I will try to give or get you answer’s. I will keep you informed of any information you may need. I would like to get the board to start doing some of the activities we were unable to do because of covid-19 like the social gatherings the picnics the Christmas party and other events we used to have and possibly more. I would also bring any ideas or suggestions to the board a member may have. If elected board member I have one goal and that is to help you the member get the best we can from our city and the TCEA. Thank you for your time and I hope you vote. Thanks Steve Torres.